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2148 2148 Strategic Management

曜日・時間 指定土曜日 10:30〜12:00 13:00〜14:30 14:45〜16:15
開催日 10/21から
回数 9回(1日3講座×3日)
講師 ハギリアン, パリッサ
テキスト 講師よりプリント配布(無料)
備考 定員40名 講座受講申込み10月21日(土)まで 受講中の方のキャンセル受付10月21日(土)まで ※本講座は講座変更できません。
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
24,300円 受付期間外です。
2148 2148 Strategic Management
【講師】 ハギリアン,パリッサ 上智大学国際教養学部国際教養学科教授 専攻分野 / International Management 著作 / Haghirian, P. (2011) Successful Cross-Cultural Management: A Guidebook for International Managers. New York: Business Expert Press, Haghirian, P. (2010) Understanding Japanese Management Practices. New York: Business Expert Press, Haghirian, P.ed. (2011) Japanese Consumer Dynamics. London: Palgrave Macmillan, Haghirian, P.ed. (2010) Innovation and Change in Japanese Management. London: Palgrave Macmillan. eメール / p-haghir@sophia.ac.jp ※この講座はすべて英語で行われます。(受講のための英語力はTOEFL79-80点以上、TOEIC730点以上が目安) Course Description This course are strategic management and internationalization processes in multinational corporations. The course first introduces the concept of strategy and why companies need to apply them. In this course we will learn how to develop effective goals and strategies. The questions discussed will be: How can corporations become and stay competitive? What decisions need to be made to do so? How can we use strategic management to improve our own lives and make better decisions for the future? The course is interactive and will include experiential exercises and lively discussions. The course aims to: ・help participants to understand the theoretical foundation of strategic management, its processes, tools and implementation in within corporations ・help participants to analyse and develop strategic processes in corporations and to develop strategic solutions on the business unit level, corporate level, and global level ・learn how to implement strategic management in participants’ daily activities.