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0312 【終了】Understanding Downton Abbey     中上級〜上級

曜日・時間 毎週火曜日 19:10〜20:40
開催日 2019/4/16〜
回数 13回
テキスト 講師よりプリントを配布します(無料)
備考 *定員25名 / 申込締切は第2回授業日 *本講座の開講判定日は4/9(火)です。 *休講発生時の補講予定日は7/23(火)です。 *説明は英語で行ないます。
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0312 【終了】Understanding Downton Abbey      中上級〜上級
【講師プロフィール】 Cunningham Neale(カニングハム ニール) 上智大学非常勤講師 国籍 / British 専門分野 / German Literature, Transcultural Reception, CLIL, EAP 著作 / ◇ Cunningham, N. 2016. Hermann Hesse and the Butterflies – A Journey from Innocence to Experience and Back. In: Cornils, I., ed. Literatur für Leser Themenheft: Forever Young? Unschuld und Erfahrung im Werk Hermann Hesses. Verlag Peter Lang.15(1), pp. 31-37. メッセージ / Learning a foreign language is like having a key to slowly unlock a different culture in order to gain access to all its treasures. Speaking and understanding English well will also enable students to communicate their culture and ways of thinking to the world at large. More than ever, we global citizens have a need to communicate and to speak with one another. Learning a foreign language is therefore a valuable experience, which can bring life-long rewards. Moreover, in taking steps toward proficiency in a foreign language we should not be afraid to make mistakes. It is natural to do so, and opens up opportunities for greater improvement. We are all learners, and we need to be supportive toward one another. In other words, when you come to class, be fearless, give it a go, and, above all, do not forget to laugh and smile as much as possible. 【学習内容】 The course is targeted at upper-immediate to advanced learners of English. If you enjoyed watching the British TV series Downton Abbey, this course gives you the opportunity to learn about and discuss the historical and cultural background to the popular series and deepen your understanding of the programme and British culture. Of course, if you haven’t seen the series yet, but still have a deep interest in British culture and British TV series, this course will appeal to you and give insights into life ‘upstairs’ and ‘downstairs’ inside some of Britain’s great aristocratic houses. 【学習方法】 There will be some short readings and also some video clips to watch. In class we will work individually, in pairs, and in small groups, before opening out to wider class discussions. 【学習形態】 The learning style is relaxed, but we will be passionate about the subject matter. Therefore, we will focus on the content of the course rather than on grammar points. However, the new vocabulary will be explained in context. All explanations will be in English. 【受講者に期待する達成レベル】 I hope students will complete the course and feel that they have deepened their knowledge of British culture and that they better understand the context and characters of Downton Abbey. They may wish to go back and watch the series again, or watch the series for the first time.