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0401 【終了】 日本語:Essential grammar for meaningful communication in Japanese(Basic) 初級

曜日・時間 指定木曜日 18:45〜20:15
開催日 2018年4月19日〜
回数 13回
講師 小島 恵里奈 
テキスト 『初級日本語げんき1[第2版] "An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese GENKI T [Second Edition]"』(Japan Times) ISBN:978-4-7890-1440-3  \3,326(予価・税込み、紀伊国屋書店[上智]価格) / プリントを配布する際は実費を徴収します。
備考 定員25名 *本講座の申込締切日は4/12(木)です。 *休講が発生した場合の補講予定日は、7/26(木)です。 *使用言語:説明は、日本語、英語で行ないます。
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0401 【終了】 日本語:Essential grammar for meaningful communication in Japanese(Basic) 初級
【講師プロフィール】 小島 恵里奈 (コジマ エリナ) KOJIMA Erina 上智大学非常勤講師 国籍 / 日本 専門分野 / 日本語教育、応用言語学 メッセージ(Messages)/ Learning Japanese is a great way to improve your life in Japan. Even if you just learn the basics, it can change your experience by helping you make friends and get used to life in Japan. The best part about the class is that you will be studying with classmates, who will have the same goal. Let's learn together! 【学習内容(Contents)】 This course is suitable for those who have studied basic conjugation systems of verbs and adjectives in Japanese (☆This is NOT a COURSE FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS☆). The course covers various basic grammar and vocabulary with particular emphasis on how to use them in daily communication in Japanese. Students will have opportunities to familiarise themselves with various grammatical patterns and strategies for communication through speaking and listening activities. Basic Kanji related to each chapter in the textbook will be covered. The course also introduces students to social and cultural issues in relation to the Japanese language. Students intending to take this course are expected to read and write Hiragana and Katakana. Please refer to the syllabus for items to be learnt in this course. 【学習方法(Methods)】 After brief explanations of the grammar points by the instructor, students will practise new expressions through a variety of communicative activities. Students will be given homework to consolidate their understanding of the materials covered in each class. 【学習形態(Mode)】 Students will be expected to actively participate in various class activities such as pair/group work where they use Japanese with other members of the class as well as the instructor. 【受講者に期待する達成レベル(Goal)】 By the end of this course, students will develop their ability to communicate orally using simple sentences and to read and write short passages using basic Kanji. After this course, students are encouraged to proceed to the next level at Sophia Community College. 【日本語講座申込方法(Application)】 この講座は、下記英語ホームページより申込書式をダウンロードし、 Eメイル等により、お申込みください。注意事項もご確認ください。 Please visit following Homepage for details: https://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/admissions/jlc/index.html