小柳津 成訓(オヤイズ シゲノリ)OYAIZU, Shigenori 上智大学非常勤講師
国籍 / 日本
専門分野 / 第二言語取得・日本語教育
【メッセージ / Message to Students】
Many believe that adult learners have a slightly more difficult time picking up a language than those who are younger, but this is not the case.
While it is true that rote learning apabilities decrease with age, I believe that this weakness can be overcome with knowledge and cognitive ability.
Language acquisition is much like learning a sport or skill: a certain degree of effort and training is required.
Through this course, I hope that students will enjoy expressing their knowledge and opinions in Japanese and gain self-confidence.
【学習内容 / Contents】
This course is intended for intermediate learners who can discuss everyday topics and express their opinions in Japanese.
Its goal is to increase students’Japanese language capabilities through
reading articles and watching videos about specific topics discussing Japanese culture and customs, and using what they have learned to discuss their countries’ culture and customs, expressing their opinions, and listening to the explanations and opinions of their classmates.
Another target is acquiring vocabulary and expressions used to understand
and talk about academic topics as well as everyday ones.
Its goal is not to simply learn vocabulary and grammar, but to acquire intermediate-level Japanese capabilities through meaningful communication activities.
Additionally, the Japanese language is not the sole focus of this course,
and one of its main objectives is learning knowledge and strategies useful
in understanding everyday Japanese life and Japanese ways of thinking.
【学習方法 Contents/学習形態 Mode】
Students in the course will be expected to actively participate in and contribute to classes. It is not about rote learning, but instead requires that
students always take the initiative in discussing their countries’ unique points and their own personal experiences in actively exchanging opinions with the professor and other classmates.
Important grammar structures and vocabulary will be explained in English,
but students are expected to adopt an attitude of actively putting Japanese into practice.
Classes will take advantage of a main textbook, but a wide variety of upplementary materials will be used to provide further detail on the topics discussed. The next week's topic will be presented to students, who are then to prepare to discuss it from their individual experiences and against the cultural background of their countries in Japanese.
The main objective is for all those who have successfully completed the course to not just acquire vocabulary and expressions to discuss topics above and beyond everyday life in Japanese, but also to gain the confidence to speak in Japanese.
Another objective is to gain knowledge needed to further understand Japanese traditions and Japanese ways of thinking.