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2212 【終了】English Conversation-Use it, Don’t Lose It! 中上級

曜日・時間 指定木曜日 18:45〜20:15
開催日 2017/9/28〜
回数 13回
テキスト Discussion Strategies, Pro Lingua, 2014. ISBN: 9780866473309  ¥3,041(税込み・紀伊国屋書店[上智]価格) *Supplementary materials will periodically be provided for a nominal charge.
備考 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切りは9/27(水)です *11/2,11/16はお休みです *12/21は休講です。補講日は1/27(土)です。 *説明は、英語で行ないます *PC端末を利用します。基本的なPC操作が必要です
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
2212 【終了】English Conversation-Use it, Don’t Lose It! 中上級
Dinglasan , Arlene ディンラーサン、アーリーン 上智大学非常勤講師 国籍 / Filipino 専門分野 / Master of Science in Education, Curriculum, Instruction and Technology in Education; Temple University, Tokyo, Japan メッセージ / Successfully learning a language is more than knowing “about” the language -- it is “using” it! In this class, we will be using English by communicating and interacting with each other. While we will include some grammar rules in class, we will be involved in real communication, with emphasis on skills more than the metalanguage (grammar rules, etc.). We will actively use the target language so much that we will probably not even notice “learning” it. I’m excited to see you in class and enjoy the process with you! The students will be given focused practice with the following conversation techniques: *using rejoinders and asking follow-up questions *seeking and giving clarification *using comprehension checks *answering with details *interrupting others during a discussion *recounting something they have heard *expressing an opinion *referring to a source when giving an opinion 【学習内容】 The course will be in English and will be organized around conversation and discussion skills & strategies and/or discussion topics. Students will participate in a variety of interactive speaking activities (role plays, informal discussions, focused language games, and listening exercises). Students will be able to engage in conversation in a fluent and appropriate manner. This includes improved use of communication strategies (e.g. clarification, gestures, elaboration), vocabulary for conversational topics, and grammar (question formation and phrases used in conversational functions & situations). The students will be given focused practice with the following conversation techniques: *using rejoinders and asking follow-up questions *seeking and giving clarification *using comprehension checks *answering with details *interrupting others during a discussion *recounting something they have heard *expressing an opinion *referring to a source when giving an opinion 【学習方法】 Communicative approach, whereby students will learn language successfully by communicating and interacting with other students will be the approach employed in class. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language. There will be emphasis on skills, and lessons will be learner-centered. 【学習形態】 The course will be in English only in which students will learn to engage in long and in complex conversations on a wide range of topics. Class activities will provide opportunities for students to build fluency and confidence in their use of English. Active participation in classroom activities will be essential to successful completion of the course. 【受講者に期待する達成レベル】 The students will be able to: *actively use vocabulary and phrases presented in the course; *take part in extended conversations using correct grammar and pronunciation; and *participate in basic discussions.