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0215 【終了】 英語会話 Advanced Conversation 上級

曜日・時間 指定火曜日 15:15〜16:45
開催日 2017/4/11〜
回数 13回
テキスト 講師より配付します。(実費徴収)
備考 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切は、4/18(火)です。 *休講発生時の補講日は、7/18(火)の予定です。 *使用言語:英語
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0215 【終了】 英語会話 Advanced Conversation 上級 0215 【終了】 英語会話 Advanced Conversation 上級
【講師プロフィール】 CUNNINGHAM, Neale(カニングハム,ニール)  上智大学講師 国籍 / UK 専門分野 / TEFL, CLIL, British Literature, German Literature (Hermann Hesse) 著作 / ◇Cunningham, N. 2015. Stimulating Higher Order Thinking: The Dramatization of Graded Readers. Lingua ◇Special Issue on CLIL. Tokyo: Center for Language Education and Research, Sophia University. 26, pp. 11-19. メール / nealecunningham(at)gmail.com メッセージ / Learning a foreign language is like having a key to slowly unlock a different culture in order to gain access to all its treasures. Speaking English well will also enable students to communicate their culture and ways of thinking to the world at large. More than ever, we global citizens have a need to communicate and to speak with one another. Learning a foreign language is therefore a valuable experience, which can bring life-long rewards. Moreover, in taking steps toward proficiency in a foreign language we should not be afraid to make mistakes. It is natural to do so, and opens opportunities for greater improvement. We are all learners, and we need to be supportive toward one another. In other words, when you come to class, be fearless, give it a go, and, above all, do not forget to laugh and smile as often as possible. 【Learning Content】 This is an advanced level English conversation class for students who would like to discuss controversial and difficult issues. Each week, you will be encouraged to express your views and talk about personal experiences based on the very topics we discuss in our daily lives. The contents of the course closely resemble those that we find in our daily newspapers. 【Learning Method】 Individual, pair, and small group work, before opening out to wider class discussion. 【Learning Style】 Relaxed, yet passionate about what we believe in! We will focus on the transmission of meaning, rather than on discrete grammar points. Explanation by the instructor is given in English. 【Attainment Target】 I hope students will complete this course and feel that have expanded their vocabulary on difficult issues that matter, and, in particular, that they feel even greater confidence in expressing and discussing their views and personal experiences outside the classroom.