増田 裕子(マスダ ユウコ) MASUDA, Yuko 上智大学非常勤講師
国籍 / 日本
専門分野 / 日本語教育、社会言語学
著作 /
◇Masuda, Y. (2009)“Negotiation of language selection in Japanese-English exchange partnerships”In J. Nekvapil and T. Sherman(eds)."Language management in contact situations: perspectives from three continents” Peter Lang.
メッセージ /
I believe that learning another language helps to broaden your world.
Come and enjoy learning Japanese in a fun and relaxed atmosphere!
【学習内容 Contents】
☆THIS COURSE AIMS AT COMPLETE BEGINNERS☆ and covers various basic grammar and vocabulary with a particular emphasis on how to use them in daily communication in Japanese. As this is an 8-week intensive course, students will learn how to effectively communicate using simple expressions outside the classroom. Writing systems will also be covered, starting with hiragana and katakana, followed by some basic kanji related to each chapter in the textbook. The course also introduces students to social and cultural issues in relation to the Japanese language.
【学習方法 Method】
After brief explanations of the grammar points by the instructor, students will practise new expressions through a variety of interactive activities. Students will be given homework to consolidate their understanding of the materials covered in each class.
【学習形態 Mode】
Students will be expected to actively participate in various class activities such as pair/group work where they will use Japanese with other members of the class as well as the instructor. The instructor may occasionally use English to explain grammar.
【受講者に期待する達成レベル Goals】
By the end of this course students will develop their ability to communicate orally using simple sentences and to read and write short passages. The course will also aim to help students become more confident in speaking Japanese outside the classroom.