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0403 【終了】 日本、日本語まるごと学ぼう、話そう!中級-All About Japan & Japanese Intmed.

曜日・時間 指定木曜日 18:45〜20:15
開催日 2017年4月20日〜
回数 13回
講師 松木 裕子
テキスト 『上級へのとびら TOBIRA gateway to Advanced Japanese Learning Through Content and Multimedia』(くろしお出版)  3,136円(税込み・紀伊国屋書店[上智]価格)  ISBN 978-4-87424-447-0
備考 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切は、4/13(木)です。 *休講発生時の補講日は、7/27(木)の予定です。 *使用言語:英語、日本語(ほとんど日本語)
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0403 【終了】 日本、日本語まるごと学ぼう、話そう!中級-All About Japan & Japanese Intmed.
【講師プロフィール】 松木 裕子(マツキ ヒロコ) MATSUKI, Hiroko 上智大学非常勤講師  国籍 / 日本 専門分野 / 日本語教育 メッセージ / Learning a language is a hard and demanding process for adults. In order to overcome the difficulties in learning a language such as Japanese and allow students to confidently speak Japanese in everyday life, it is necessary to learn in a stimulating and rewarding environment. I would like to share my experience of the Japanese language and also, importantly, Japanese culture, with you to help provide an enjoyable path to the learning of Japanese.                                                                      【学習内容】 This course is designed for students who have completed their elementary level Japanese course, and wish to advance their skills to an intermediate level . The focus of this course is to consolidate the knowledge in grammar, and vocabulary they have learned at the beginner level and to expand skills in all four domains (speaking , listening, reading and writing) . We will also focus on advancing the knowledge in socio-cultural aspect to facilitate real-life conversation. Emphasis will be placed on communication skills for conducting practical conversation for stating opinions, giving explanations and expressing your own ideas and feelings in natural Japanese phrases (including the use of proper speech level). Students are encouraged to participate in class communication assertively, and enhance their self-learning ability as well as acquiring integrated language skills. 【学習方法/学習形態】 Class will follow the specified textbook. Each class will focus on a specific context and oral conversation as well as reading and understanding short phrases. Students will practice through pair work, role plays etc. with their classmates. 【受講者に期待するレベル】 The goal of this course is to enable students to carry out intermediate level conversation useful daily needs and to make smooth transition into advanced Japanese.