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0314 【終了】British Culture and Society-With a special focus on contemporary issue of UK

曜日・時間 指定火曜日 18:45〜20:15
開催日 2017/4/11〜
回数 13回
講師 PATRICK Philip
テキスト The teacher will supply his own materials.
備考 *レベル:上級以上 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切は、4/18(火)です。 *休講発生時の補講日は、未定です。別途、お知らせいたします。 *使用言語:英語
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0314 【終了】British Culture and Society-With a special focus on contemporary issue of UK 0314 【終了】British Culture and Society-With a special focus on contemporary issue of UK
【講師プロフィール】Profile of Instructor PATRICK, Philip(パトリック,フィリップ)  上智大学講師 国籍 / UK 専門分野 / TELF/ IELTS preparation/ Business English 著作 / ◇ Virgin Atlantic Culture Talk series (articles on British Culture) 2008 - present I am a lecturer ay Sophia University. I have been in Japan for 17 years and worked at Sophia for the past 4. I am British and my specialty is Language assessment and testing. My hobbies are reading, travel, and writing articles on cross-cultural issues (Japan Times, Japan Today, etc.). 【Message from Instructor】: This class is suitable for students who have an interest in British culture, enjoy discussion, and would like to improve their English while learning about another culture, and in the process by way of comparison, their own.  【Contents】: Each week will focus on one aspect of British culture. The class will learn about British history and culture through readings, listening texts, and videos. 【Method】: In a typical lesson, the teacher will introduce the topic, there will be an initial warm-up discussion, then the main text (a written or listening text, or video) which will be used to develop understanding of the topic, and allow us to focus on our language or grammar point. Focused practice will be followed by freer practice, and a final discussion or group task on the topic/and a comparison with, or implications for Japan. Homework exercises will be short readings, written exercises, or research tasks (TBC -dependent on the needs analysis). 【Mode】: Written texts from newspapers/magazines, podcasts, downloaded videos. 【Goals】: For students to develop their general English skills (vocabulary, grammar, listening and fluency) while broadening their understanding of British culture, and comparing it with their own.