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0218 【終了】 (集中)Succeed with Speaking Questions on the IELTS,TOEIC, and TOEFL!中級〜

曜日・時間 指定土曜日 13:45〜16:00
開催日 2017/5/13〜
回数 8回
テキスト 講師よりプリントを配布します(実費徴収)。
備考 ☆本講座は、諸事情により開講中止とさせていただきます。申し訳ありません。申込済みの方には別途、ご連絡を差し上げます☆ *定員20名 *使用言語:日本語、英語 *この講座は、講座変更できません。
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
38,400円 受付期間外です。
0218 【終了】 (集中)Succeed with Speaking Questions on the IELTS,TOEIC, and TOEFL!中級〜 0218 【終了】 (集中)Succeed with Speaking Questions on the IELTS,TOEIC, and TOEFL!中級〜
・PATTIMORE, Roger(パティモア,ロジャー) 上智大学非常勤講師 ・国籍 / Canada ・専門分野 / M.Ed. Teaching English as a Foreign Language ・著作 / ◇Academic: Foundations of Focus on Form: ‘A Teacher's Overview’: Lingua (Sophia University) No.14 November 2003 ◇Commercial: Everyday English Grammar (Revised) 南雲堂 2010 ・URL / www.randmpattimore.com ・メール / pattimore(at)hotmail.com 【学習内容】 Do you want to improve your score on speaking sections of IELTS, TOEIC, or TOEFL? Do you want to improve your English quickly? This course focusses on the speaking sections of these tests. The content of the course includes: 1.An overview of exam speaking tasks 2.An introduction to the different kinds of speaking questions.  @TOEIC Speaking 6 tasks. 11 questions  ATOEFL Speaking Section 6 tasks  BIELTS Speaking Section 3 tasks 3.Learning how to answer the questions. 4.Developing student skills for self-study. In the first class, students may say what kinds of questions they want to study, so the course syllabus may change. 【学習方法】 During each class, we will have skills activities such as vocabulary building and grammar development specific to each type of question. We will learn how to structure responses for each type of question we study. We will also practice most types in the class, usually in pairs or threes. Students may record answers and have them checked by me if they wish to do homework. However, this is optional. (※ Students who wish to record answers may use smartphone or tablet applications such as ‘AudioMemos’. I will provide an email address specifically for collecting recordings. Feedback will be delivered by e-mail.) 【学習形態】 Teacher Role: 1.Introduce each type of test and its objectives. 2.Introduce and explain most types of questions on each test and how to succeed in answering them. 3.Prepare skill building materials. Student Roles: 1.Work in pairs or groups practicing answers to various types of questions. 2.Complete assigned homework (usually vocabulary and sentence structures). 3.Optional: Record an answer and send to my e-mail account for checking. 【受講者に期待する到達レベル】 The entry level for the course is intermediate. The materials for the course are mainly in English, so intermediate reading skills are important. After the course, you should be able to improve your score on the speaking sections of the tests. The course is also good for people who want to improve their speaking skills in general. ※This course is not a complete preparation course for any proficiency exam.