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0214 【終了】 English for Communication 中上級

曜日・時間 指定木曜日 18:45〜20:15
開催日 2017/4/13〜
回数 13回
講師 PATRICK Philip
テキスト 『Cutting Edge』 Third Edition (Upper-Intermediate)  2,984円(税込み・紀伊国屋書店[上智]価格) ISBN: 978-1447936985
備考 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切は、4/20(木)です。 *休講発生時の補講日は未定です。別途、お知らせいたします。 *使用言語:英語
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0214 【終了】 English for Communication 中上級 0214 【終了】 English for Communication 中上級
【講師プロフィール】Profile of Instructor PATRICK, Philip(パトリック,フィリップ)  上智大学講師 国籍 / UK 専門分野 / TELF/ IELTS preparation/ Business English 著作 / Virgin Atlantic Culture Talk series (articles on British Culture) 2008 - present メッセージ / Message Learning English should be fun. Learners in Japan need well structured lessons with clear goals. Language should be presented in a meaningful way and practiced with an emphasis on fluency and accuracy. Feedback from the teach is essential and should always be given in a constructive and motivating fashion. Learners should also be instructed in how they can become more autonomous with self-study materials recommended and utilized in the class. Recycling of language is essential and a relaxed, fun, atmosphere created to encourage learners to speak out, express themselves to the best of their ability, and ask questions when necessary. 【Contents】-This Upper Intermediate course will contain topic based lessons which will combine language development with a skills focus to help students expand their vocabulary, grammatical range and accuracy and functional ability. 【Method】-In this class I will employ the communicative approach whereby students will emphasise meaningful interaction between students. 【Mode】- Language will be presented and practised first in a controlled, then in freer situations. Students will work in pairs, and groups with correction from the teacher. The students will be given homework assignments in the form of written work, reading or web-based research. 【Aims】-? The students will expand their vocabulary and increase their grammatical range and accuracy while learning about the lesson topic. This will enable the students to become more fluent and confident using English to talk about themselves and discuss various issues. They will also acquire a lot of useful functional vocabulary.