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0210 【終了】 English for Communication-Building Speaking Skills and Vocab. 中級

曜日・時間 指定木曜日 15:15〜16:45
開催日 2017/4/13〜
回数 13回
テキスト None.
備考 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切は、4/20(木)です。 *休講発生時の補講日は、7/20(木)の予定です。 *使用言語:英語
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0210 【終了】 English for Communication-Building Speaking Skills and Vocab. 中級 0210 【終了】 English for Communication-Building Speaking Skills and Vocab. 中級
【講師プロフィール】 MACKENZIE, Graham (マッケンジー,グラハム)  上智大学特任准教授 国籍/ UK 専門分野/ English for Academic Purposes, CLIL     【Message to students】 We will create a positive learning environment in which you will feel comfortable talking in English with the teacher and, more importantly, your classmates. I hope you enjoy the class and I am looking forward to meeting you and sharing our ideas and experiences about life. 【Contents】 We will work on all four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) but the main emphasis in class will be speaking. We will work with “real” English in the form of podcasts, videos, and other material. Photocopied worksheets will be provided, for which there will be a nominal charge. Writing homework will be given to consolidate vocabulary and tasks done in class. The level will be most suitable for those of an intermediate level of English. 【Method】 You will be encouraged to notice, practice and learn useful language which will help you do a communication task based around a topic in every lesson. The topics for the semester will be chosen by the students in the first lesson. There will be plenty of input and feedback from the teacher, and you will work in pairs and groups with other learners to maximise your opportunities to communicate. 【Mode】 The language of instruction will be English. 【Aims】 By the end of the course you will feel more comfortable communicating in English and will be better able to discuss a range of familiar topics. You will also be better able to understand spoken English at a natural speed.