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0208 【終了】 Cross Cultural English Conversation 初級〜中級

曜日・時間 指定土曜日 10:30〜12:00
開催日 2017/4/15〜
回数 13回
講師 DURHAM Robert
テキスト Many photocopies will be provided by the teacher, for a nominal charge.
備考 *定員25名 *本講座の申込締切は、4/22(土)です。 *休講発生時の補講日は、7/29(土)の予定です。 *使用言語:英語 (+少々の日本語)
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0208 【終了】 Cross Cultural English Conversation 初級〜中級 0208 【終了】 Cross Cultural English Conversation 初級〜中級
【講師プロフィール】 DURHAM, Robert(ダハム,ロバート)  上智大学非常勤講師 国籍 / Canada 専門分野 / Education and Sciences 著作 / Masters of Education (M.Ed): University of Windsor; Bachelors of Education (B.Ed): University of Windsor; Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.Honours): University of Ottawa メッセージ / Most important: “Go for it” (Gambatte!) You’ll need ENERGY to GO FOR IT, so please bring your positive ENERGY to class. Please participate 360%; and please use your imagination and abilities as much as you can. Thinking, elaborating (explaining), HUMOR, guessing, discussing actively, and F=U=N are important in developing your INTERNATIONAL skills and LANGUAGE skills. 【学習内容】 This is a ‘Western’ style class for truly MOTIVATED people who wish to better understand and better ‘DO’ English conversation, grammar, listening, vocabulary, and reading, in an INTERNATIONAL setting. English listening abilities will be honed by song-listening and video-listening exercises; and English speaking/grammar comprehension can be improved via reading & discussing English News articles. Please sit at the FRONT; sit beside two other GENKI students; make lots of eye contact; it is advisable to use PEN (not pencil); SMILE; show ‘Western’-style manners (e.g. cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn); talk together a LOT, in a friendly way; EXPLAIN your answers; use ‘Western’ BODY Language (i.e. please avoid 'crossed arms'; and avoid showing a 'poker face'); develop a sense of HUMOR; try hard to learn and SHOW International ‘EQ’ [Emotional Intelligence]; and please always keep a LARGE namecard on your desk. 【学習方法】 Activity handout sheets will be mixed with song-listening and video discussion exercises (to improve listening skills); with conversation (to keep the mood INTERNATIONAL and OPEN-MINDED, and to practice grammar and speaking); with News article-reading (to improve reading, writing, and grammar); with some videos; and with other items, to keep the class STIMULATING and cross-cultural. Explanations by the teacher are given in English (and in a little Japanese, if needed). 【学習形態】 Students are requested to participate 382%; to QUICKLY answer questions (and to EXPLAIN their answers); to be open-minded about new and different INTERNATIONAL teaching and learning styles; to show a good sense of HUMOR; and to understand that ‘Wasei Eigo’ is NOT useful English. Pair conversation will assist all of us to ‘ENERGIZE’, and to actively USE the English that we learn. 【受講者に期待する達成レベル】 If students are MOTIVATED; come to every class; do ALL of the homework; and also do ‘self-study’ on their own, they can improve their English & International communication skills. Participation and positive energy are CRUCIAL to realizing your English & International goals. ‘Go for it!’ [Gambatte!]