Environmental studies is an emerging interdisciplinary discipline that some hope will become the force needed to drive a paradigm shift to sustainable futures for our global society. Although much is being done in the area of theory, this course will focus on the practical by exploring environmental studies through the study of real life case studies.
It is the aim of this course to help students increase their environmental issues knowledge sets and further both their ability to analyze environmental problems and increase their understanding of the trade-offs – benefits, loses and liabilities- behind the choices we make when considering environmental challenges and the potential paths to realizing a sustainable future for both humankind and other living organisms inhabiting planet Earth.
And, The aims of this course is to learn, think and talk about environmental issues and challenges we are facing in the 21st Century. The course is being taught in English to encourage participants to learn about our common global environmental issues in English. Interest in the environment and learning in English are key but no one is required to have a background in environmental studies.
SDGs, Climate change, Trade-offs, Conservation, Environment, Case study
ディスカッション 頻度 :毎回
ディスカッション 割合 :半分(45分)程度
個人発表 :なし
チーム発表 :なし
ロールプレイング :なし
テーマに関する事前知識や部署経験の有無 :なくてもよい
■まくどなるど あん(上智大学教授) 全6回担当予定
TEXTBOOK: The Environmental Case: Translating Values into Policy, 3rd Edition by Judith A. Layzer of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A PDF file of the environmental case study textbook to be used in this course will be shared with students prior to commencement of the course. Students are encouraged to read the case study before the lecture but it is not a requirement. The intent is to increase awareness about the multiple environmental issues