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2137 Politics of the European Union

曜日・時間 指定木曜日 19:10〜20:40
開催日 11/14から
回数 6回
講師 バレット・ティナ
テキスト 講師よりプリント配布(無料)
備考 定員30名 開講判定日 11月7日 受講申込締切・受講中の方のキャンセル受付 11月21日 ※本講座は講座変更できません。
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
16,200円 受付期間外です。
2137 Politics of the European Union
【講師】バレット・ティナ 上智大学国際教養学部国際教養学科准教授 専攻分野 / Political Science Tina Burrett is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University, Japan. Her recent publications include “Russian State Television Coverage of the 2016 US Presidential Election”, Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, “Abe Road: Comparing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Leadership of his First and Second Governments”, Parliamentary Affairs and “Mixed Signals: Democratisation and the Myanmar Media”, Politics and Governance. She is author of Television and Presidential Power in Putin’s Russia, London: Routledge, 2011. Her research interests include media and politics, especially in Russia and Myanmar, and political leadership. e-mail / tburrett[at]sophia.ac.jp  zv6m-ishr[at]j.asahi-net.or.jp https://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/program/professors_Info/SS/BURRETT_Tina.html https://www.japantimes.co.jp/author/int-tina_burrett/ This course provides an introduction to politics in the European Union (EU). Students will begin by examining how Europe emerged from the rages of World War II to become the Europe we know today. Students will then analyse current challenges to the EU including Brexit, the refugee crisis and the EU’s democratic deficit. In conclusion, students will consider where the EU will end up in the future. Is this unique political entity destined to develop into a United States of Europe, capable of competing with the U.S. and China on the world stage? Or is it more likely to disintegrate into bitter national rivalries and international irrelevance? ※この講座はすべて英語で行われます。(受講のための英語力はTOEFL79-80点以上、TOEIC730点以上が目安)