小林 功治 (コバヤシ コウジ)Kobayashi, Koji 上智大学言語教育研究センター
国 籍 / 日本
専門分野 / 日本語学
著作等 /
◇「談話におけるソウダとトイウの相違について」,『日本語・日本文化』第20号 (大阪外国語大学留学生日本語教育センター,1994年)
◇『日本語のオノマトペ −食べる音や様子を中心に−』共著(大阪外国語大学AV技法研究会,1995年)
Motivated students, a passionate instructor and a relaxed atmosphere. It is an ideal combination for an excellent language class. Please know your purpose, make persistent efforts, show an attitude of cooperativeness, and always keep your sense of humor. I will always be here to help you. Enjoy learning Japanese!
This course is offered to those who wish to get more familiarized with everyday communication in Japanese. The aim of this course is to provide the participants with useful common phrases, expressions and supportive grammatical explanations to develop their listening and speaking skills. And what makes this course unique is that the recognition of Kanji signs is also covered. This course is suitable for those who have finished studying major basic grammar topics. Those who have passed in N4 of JLPT may feel comfortable with this course but it is NOT an essential requirement.
In each class the participants are supposed to:
◇Listen to dialogs to understand situations and flows of conversation
◇Learn sentence structures, words and phrases
◇Practice with oral drills to engage well in conversations
◇Learn words and phrases that are found in song lyrics or scripts of dramas and movies
◇Recognize and learn Kanji words found in signs and posters
Lectures, oral drills, discussions, picture clips, flash cards, audio and video materials Topics are basically taken from the textbook and may be shifted according to the class dynamics. Instructions and explanations are given in simple Japanese and/or in English.
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
◇Understand and engage daily conversations in various situations
◇Express what they mean using appropriate structures, words and phrases
◇Become more comfortable and confident with their fluency and accuracy
Please visit following Homepage for details: