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0206 【終了】 Business Plus 初級〜中級

曜日・時間 指定水曜日 19:00〜20:30
開催日 201/4/18〜
回数 13回
テキスト "Business Plus" Margaret Helliwell, (Cambridge 2014) ISBN:978-1107640689 \2,851(予価・税込み、紀伊国屋書店[上智]価格)
備考 定員25名 / 申込締切は第2回授業日 *本講座の開講判定日は4/11(水)です。 *5/2(水)は、お休みです。 *休講が発生した場合の補講予定日は、7/25(水)です。 *使用言語:説明は、主に英語で行ないます。
スケジュール スケジュールはこちら
シラバス シラバスはこちら
35,100円 受付期間外です。
0206 【終了】 Business Plus 初級〜中級
*PATTIMORE, Roger(パティモア,ロジャー) 上智大学非常勤講師 *国籍 / Canada *専門分野 / M.Ed. Teaching English as a Foreign Language *著作 / ◇Academic: The Case for Teaching Financial Literacy in a CLIL Setting: Lingua (Sophia University) No.26 November 2015 ◇Commercial: Everyday English Grammar 南雲堂 2018 (3rd Edition) Mail: pattimore(at)hotmail.com メッセージ(Messages)/ Recently, English ability has become more important than ever. The Japanese economy is running very well after several years of slow growth. This will mean more international communication between businesses and companies and foreign based associates. Also in 2020, we will host the Olympic Games which should drive the economy. These are reasons to not only to understand English but also produce it. Improving speaking skills is the goal of the course. 【学習内容(Contents)】 ’Business Plus’ is the name of this new course and also the name of the textbook for the course. The course is for professional people who need to: 1.Communicate confidently in everyday business situations 2.Use and understand American and International English 3.Understand global business culture The textbook also includes integrated TOEIC practice. We may look at these sections sometimes. 【学習方法(Methods)】 The course is mainly a speaking course, but with many chances to improve listening skills. Reading will be a smaller part of the course. Pair work, group work, business role plays, and discussions with the teacher are typical activities during class time. English is the first language of this course. Students should always try to use English first. Students will have regular homework assignments. Many assignments can be self-checked. 【学習形態(Mode)】 The learning mode is ‘learn English in English’. Most of the lesson will be in English. I ask students to imagine that they are living and working in an English-speaking country. Most people in that situation learn English by listening, guessing and trying to use English. The situation in class will be very similar. Students will learn realistic English by using it with me and other students. 【受講者に期待する達成レベル(Goal)】 Students will be close to an intermediate level by the end of this course. They may want to try another higher level business course or a TOEIC course at the Community College.